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Hazel Leys Academy

Harvest Assemblies and Food Collection

There will be 2 harvest assemblies this year, with 1 held in school and the other at a local church. The KS1 assembly will be at school on Friday 15th October at 9.05am. Parents are welcome to join us. The KS2 assembly will be at St Peter & St Andrew Church, Beanfield Avenue, NN18 0QH, on Friday 15th October at 1.30pm. This should last around 1 hour and parents are welcome to join us.

We will be helping Corby Foodbank by collecting donations for Harvest Festival. The items they really need are listed below, but they would be very grateful for any donated items: -

Tinned Fish 
Tinned Fruit 
Tinned Rice Pudding & Custard
Long-Life Juice/Squash

If you are able to donate any items, please can you bring them into school from Monday 11th October. Please hand donations in to the office or to your child’s class.
We are having a house competition; four tables will be set out for each of the houses. The house judged to have brought in the most donations will be awarded points.

Thank you in advance for your help, every item donated is greatly appreciated and will help a local family in need.