World Book Day - Thursday 5th March

World Book Day is on Thursday 5th March this year. To celebrate, each child from Nursery up to Year 6 will receive a wonderful book to bring home with them.
As it is also ‘National Science Week’, we have arranged for ‘Professor Bubbleworks’ to come in and provide an amazing assembly and workshops for each year group throughout the day.
We have therefore given World Book Day a scientific theme this year. Please see list of books with links to science below. We would like to encourage children to read one of these books, or any other book with a link to science. Children can come to school dressed as one of their favourite characters.
Here are some examples of books with links to science:
- Jack and the Beanstalk - living and growing
- The Enormous Turnip – living and growing
- Handa’s Surprise – healthy diet
- Here We Are – solar system
- Little Red Riding Hood – habitats
- Tadpoles Promise – life cycles
- The Gruffalo – habitats, identifying and classifying animals
- The Three Little Pigs – materials
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – states of matter
- Horrid Henry Rocks – exploring how sounds are made
- The Firework Maker’s Daughter – light
- The Iron Man – magnets
- The little mole who knew it was none of his business – digestive system
- Pig Heart Boy – circulation
- The Pebble in my Pocket – rocks and soils
- The Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone – plants
- The Vanishing Rainforest – human impact on the environment
- Wolves – food chains
- Beetle Boy – classification of invertebrates
- Charlotte’s Web – lifecycles
- George’s Secret to the Universe – solar system
- Goodnight Mr Tom – electricity and circuits
- Kensuke’s Kingdom – properties of materials
- One Smart Fish –evolution
- The Tin Snail – forces and engineering