Urgent Information for Parents - New Entry and Exit Points from Monday 2nd November

From Monday 2nd November, parents in Nursery-Year 6 will be asked to use the same pathway to enter the school (the main school entrance at the front of the school nearest the Gainsborough Road roundabout). (Please keep to the left at all times). All parents in Nursery- Year 6 will be asked to exit the school, through the main car park and then use the pedestrian side gate to exit (next to the vehicle gate). Parents for children in all year groups will be able to walk their child/children up on to the Key Stage 2 playground and leave them at the green gates, where they will be greeted by staff to line up in their classes. Parents who have children in Years 1 and 2 will walk through the Key Stage 2 playground and on to the Key Stage 1 playground, which will be clearly marked for each year group.
At the end of the day, all Key Stage 2 parents will be allowed on the Key Stage 2 playground to wait for their child/ children, in their correct year group bubble, which will be clearly marked on the playground.
The walking Bus will remain the same and staff will collect children as per, the ‘new normal’. Siblings will remain the same, with parents and children standing on a spot near the climbing wall on the Key Stage 2 playground.
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